המרכז הרפואי האוניברסיטאי ברזילי אשקלון
דלג על בר עליון
בר עליון
דלג על חיפוש
דלג על על המרכז הרפואי
על המרכז הרפואי
דלג על Banners
דלג על Banners
דלג על Banners
דלג על Banners
דלג על Banners

Quick action saved the life of a girl who swallowed a coin

A years old girl from Ashkelon swallowed accidentally a 10 Agourot (cent) coin. She was brought immediately to the pediatric emergency department at the Bazilai Medical Center in the town of Askelon. A chest X-ray showed the coin been stuck in the middle part of the esophagus . Pediatric gastroenterologist was called urgently and under general anesthesia the coin was extracted from the esophagus. The girl was hospitalized for observation and discharged after 24hours.



The mother was told that during the break between the lessons, a charity box full of coins fell on the floor and her teacher asked the girl to collect the coins. The girl tried to collect the coins from the floor while holding in her other hand a pretzel. Unfortunately, instead of putting the pretzel in her mouth she put the coin in her mouth and swallowed it. She couldn't throw up the coin and her mother brought her to the pediatric emergency department


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