המרכז הרפואי האוניברסיטאי ברזילי אשקלון
דלג על בר עליון
בר עליון
דלג על חיפוש
דלג על על המרכז הרפואי
על המרכז הרפואי
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On Tuesday, 5th of Sep 2023, the CEO and head of the Barzilai medical center, Prof Hezy Levy, held a ceremony on the occasion of opening of the new cardiology institute. The ceremony was held with the presence of the honored donor Mr. Yossi Dahan and his family, Mr. Tomer Galm, the mayor of Ashkelon city, Mr. Rony Mahatsri, the head of the friendship association, members of the friendship association, other donors, Prof Yosefy Haim the director of the cardiology array and the staff of the cardiology institute.







The cardiology institute is located on the 2nd floor of building No 100 and includes an intensive cardiac care unit directed by Dr. Shlachover Vladimir and an intermediate cardiology department directed by Dr, Shklovsky Vitali. This is the first part of the new grand cardiology array, which will include five more units : a catheterization unit directed by Dr. Ja'afary Jamal, an electrophysiology intervention unit directed by Dr. Helmeizer Valdimir, cardiac imaging unit directed by Dr. Kassavir Filtz, rehabilitation unit directed by Dr. Nemik Dimitri and Castel Zur, and a research unit directed by Dr. Druznikov Tatiana and Dr. Kassavir Filtz. All the subunits of the cardiology array work in great synergism just like a computerized motion film for every patient.



Prof Levy said the Barzilai hospital will continue to develop in order to provide the best medical and novel services to all people of the area.

Prof Levy added that heart diseases are the second common cause of morbidity and mortality. We have modern array of cardiology that provides early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation and in the future, we will open a cardiac surgery unit and thus completing all the services needed for cardiac diseases.


Prof Levy added that he is very happy for this new modern and developed cardiac array and soon we will start to build the rest of the units of the array. He is thankful from the bottom of his heart to Mr. Yossi Dahan and his family for his generous donation and to Mr. Rony Mahatsri and the members of the friendship association for helping the Barzilai medical center to achieve this progress. Thanks also to the medical and technical staff of the cardiology array and especially to Prof Yosefy who was born in Ashkelon. Special thanks to Mr. Tomer Galm who is working side by side with the hospital management and finally to the staff of the hospital for their patience and excellent work 24/7.

Prof Levy congratulated all the employees and the people of Ashkelon for the new Hebrew year and the following feasts, and "don't take it too heartedly".




Prof Yosefy, head of the cardiology array, said to the donor and his family how symbolic it is to inaugurate the new array with the beginning of the new year. In the weekly Torah portion "When you come", "we are commanded as Mitzvah to set aside tithes for those who need it". 35,000 citizens of Ashkelon area needed your generous donation. For me and my staff, it is not an obvious thing. We shall be able to take advantage of these departments that you donated to open a cardiac surgery unit here in Barzilai. Patients will stop going far away for cardiac surgery. The best cardiac surgeons, Prof Bengal Yanay and Prof Sahar Gideon, are already here eagerly waiting to start working.




Prof Yosefy added that he is very thankful from all his heart to you, Mr. Dahan and your family, for your donation and he would like to bless you with the phrase written in the Torah "Blessed art thou in thy coming and blessed art thou in thy going". Your donation reminds us these days that the land of Israel is beautiful and still there are good people on the way, people who want to help others and as written in the holy book "Be silent and hear this day Israel became a nation". The meaning of this is that is the way how the chosen nation behaves". You, Mr. Dahan, are like my good friend Mr. Eli el Ezra and all the respectable people here, fulfill these criteria which makes us the chosen nation. Blessed we are to have you. You, Mr. Dahan, are our model of giving to the other.



Mayor Glam Tomer said that the opening of the new cardiology department and intensive cardiac care unit at the Barzilai medical center is a very important step for the medicine in Ashkelon and for the public medicine in all. I am glad to see the ongoing development of the Barzilai center, the continuous improvement and the upgrading of its services for the sake of people of Ashkelon and the surrounding area. The revolution the Barzilai medical center made during the last years can be felt in every field and the results are remarkable through its professional, devoted and qualitative treatment.

Mayor Glam ended his speech by saying thanks to everyone who is making all these efforts, hoping for further fruitful cooperation and further development of the Barzilai center for the benefit of the people of Ashkelon.



עבור לתוכן העמוד