Barzilai University Medical Center

65 Research Day 2020 Barzilai University Medical Center 45 LOW INTAKE OF IODIZED SALT AND IODINE CONTAINING SUPPLEMENTS AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN WITH APPARENTLY INSUFFICIENT IODINE STATUS - TIME TO CHANGE POLICY? Shani R. Rosen 1,2 , Yaniv S. Ovadia 2 , Eyal Y. Anteby 2,3 , Shlomo Fytlovich 4 , Dorit Aharoni 4 , Doron Zamir 3,5 , Dov Gefel 1 , Simon Shenhav 2,3 1 School of Nutritional Science; Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition; Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. 2 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Barzilai University Medical Center Ashkelon, Israel. 3 Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. 4 Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry, Barzilai University Medical Center Ashkelon, Israel 5 Internal Medicine Department, Barzilai University Medical Center Ashkelon, Israel Background Iodine is an essential nutrient for human health throughout the life cycle, especially during early stages of intrauterine life and infancy, to ensure adequate neurocognitive development. The growing global reliance on desalinated iodine-diluted water (DIDW) may increase the risk of iodine deficiency (ID) in several countries. The case of Israel may be instructive for exploring the link between iodine status and habitual iodine intake in the setting of extensive national DIDW reliance. Objectives To explore the relationship between iodine intake, including iodized salt (IS) and iodine-containing supplements (ICS) intake, and iodine status among 10 pregnant women (PW) residing in a sub-district of Israel that is highly reliant on DIDW. Results A total of 105 PW without known or reported thyroid disease were included in the study. Elevated Tg values (≥ 13 µg/L) were found among 67% of participants, indicating insufficient iodine status. The estimated iodine intake (median, mean± SD 189, 187±106 μg/d by sIFFQ) was lower than the levels recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the by Institute of Medicine (IOM) (250 vs. 220 μg/day respectively). The prevalence of IS intake and ICS intake were 4% and 52% (respectively). Values of Tg ˃ 13 µg/L were inversely associated 27 with compliance with WHO and IOM recommendations. Conclusion While the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) has recommended the intake of IS and ICS, this measure is apparently insufficient for achieving optimal iodine status among Israeli PW. The evidence of prevalent probable ID in a PW sample suggests an urgent need for a national policy of IS regulation as well as guidelines to promote ICS adherence by caregivers. In addition, 33 studies similar to this one should be undertaken in additional countries reliant on DIDW to 34 further assess the impact of desalinization on maternal iodine status.