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Hay Emile

Dr. Emile Hay - retired


Medical School  

School of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 



Emergency medicine and Internal Medicine 


  [email protected]


Former Positions 

  • Deputy Director of Barzilai Medical Center
  • Head of the Risk Management and Patient Safety Unit
  • Head of the Department for Emergency Medicine, 1991-2002 
  • Lecturer - Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev 
  • Chairman of the Committee for Quality Control and Risk Management 
  • Chairman of the Public Appeals Committee  
  • Chairman of the Brain Death Determination Committee 
  • Chairman of the Research Control Committee  
  • Chairman of the Committee for Implementation of the Patient Rights Law 
  • Chairman of the Medical Forms Committee  
  • Member of the Institutional Review Board (Ethics Committee)  
  • Member of the Emergency and Disaster Committee 
  • Member of the Infections Control Committee  
  • Instructor at the Medical Simulation Institute - Sheba Medical Center- Communication and Risk Management 


Current Position

Physician at the Fund for Medical Research, Infrastructure Development and Health Services


Continuing Medical Education 

  • Continuing education in Emergency Medicine- Whipps Cross Hospital, London 
  • Graduate of Advanced Trauma Life Support Course - ATLS 
  • Graduate of Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course - ACLS 
  • Graduate of ACLS Instructor Course 
  • Graduate of Advanced Pediatric Life Support- APLS 
  • Graduate of Focused Abdominal Sonography in Trauma (FAST) Course 
  • Graduate of the Program for Health Services Management 
  • Graduate of the Good Clinical Course Practice in clinical researches 



  • The Rojansky Award for Young Physicians- 1985 
  • Outstanding Team Award- Barzilai Medical Center- 1997 
  • Outstanding Team Award- Ministry of Health- 1997 
  • Excellent Team- Civil Service Commission – 1997 
  • Best Poster Award- the Israeli Convention for Quality in Medicine- 2002  


Membership in Professional Organizations in Israel and Abroad 

Israel Medical Association

State Organization of Physicians


Former Membership in National and International Committees 

  • Emergency and Medicine Committee- Magen David Adom Israel 
  • The Advisory Committee for the Prevention of Errors in Prescriptions- the Ministry of Health 
  • The National Committee for Coding Diagnoses in Emergency Medicine Departments 


Scientific Publications 

A total of 33 publications in medical journals in Israel and abroad have been published so far. 


Unique Publications 

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