Barzilai Medical Center
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Entry by vehicle to the grounds of the hospital is by means of two gates.

Hahistadrut Gate - eastern gate: open for entry of vehicles until 17:00 and for exit of vehicles at all hours of the day and night (24/7).

Gate for exit of pedestrians is open 24/7.

The Sea (Western) Gate - open at all hours of the day and night (24/7).

Fee is for the whole day with free second entrance on the same day. The number of the car is scanned at the entrance through the gates. Payement machines are located throughout the hospital. In case of a fault or other problem, please press the “help” button on the payment machines and wait for a human response, which is operational 24 hours a day.

Parking is free for charge for people who have carry disability stickers and for vehicles remaining on the hospital grounds for up to 30 minutes. 

Armed officers guard the entrances of the medical center. They have the right to  check every person and every vehicle that comes in the hospital. The entrances are supervised 24 hours a day center at the security center and supplies a response to all queries regarding parking.

This security center is manned 24/7.

Patients hospitalized for more than 14 days are entitled to purchase a discounted monthly pass or 10 one-time entry tickets upon presentation of an authorization from the hospital department -  details are available at the Parking Monitoring Center.

Hospitalized patients are entitled to an exemption from payment after 30 days from the commencement of hospitalization. The patients’ escorts must bring authorization from the department when approaching the parking offices. The exemption applies only to a single vehicle!

Visitors and patients are requested to obey the guards' orders.

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