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Yagil Yoram

Prof. Yoram Yagil 


Medical School  

School of Medicine, Hadassah, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 



Internal Medicine and Nephrology 


  [email protected]  ,  [email protected] 





♦ Current - Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Barzilai Medical Center

♦ Current - Head of the Research and Development Unit

♦ Current - Director of the Israeli Rat Genome Center 

♦ Current - Chairman of the Ethics Committee for Research in Animals- Barzilai Medical Center  

Senior Advisor for Nephrology and Blood Pressure- the IDF 

Founder and coordinator of the Program for Health Services for UN employees in Gaza 

Coordinator of the nephrology program of the School of International Medicine, Ben Gurion University

   of the Negev 


Clinical Experience and Continuing Medical Education

1978-1979 Rotating Internship: Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem 

1979-1984 Residency in Internal Medicine: Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem 

1984-1985 Clinical and Research Fellow: Hypertension Division, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New

   York, NY 

1985-1986- Clinical Fellow: Nephrology Division, Stanford University, Stanford, CA  

1986-1987- Research Fellow: Nephrology Division, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 

1987-1988 Research Fellow and Instructor: Nephrology Unit, Department of Medicine, University of

   Rochester, Rochester, NY 


Academic Appointment 

Professor of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev 



Membership in Professional Organizations in Israel and Abroad 

Israel Medical Association 

State Organization of Physicians   

Israeli Society of Hypertension 

American Society of Hypertension
European Society of Hypertension
International Society of Hypertension
American Society of Physiology
American Society of Nephrology
International Society of Nephrology
European Renal Association
Fellow of the High Blood Pressure Research Council of the AHA 


Membership in National and International Committees 

Member of the Central Education Committee, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of

   the Negev 

Chairman of the Counseling Committee for Water and Dialysis 

Chairman of the Counseling Committee for Standardization of Equipment for Dialysis 

Member of the Nephrology and Internal Medicine Examination Board - Israeli Scientific Council 

Member of the International Advisory Board - SHR Council  

Member of EURHYPGEN - the European Hypertension Genetics group, sponsored by the European



Reviewer of Research Requests 

Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Health (Mad'an Rashi) Chair of the Review Committee 2001-2005 

German Israeli Fund (GIF) 

Israeli Science Foundation (Academia) Member of the Review Committee 2001 

Ben-Gurion University intramural grants 

Hebrew University and Hadassah intramural grants 

Technion intramural grants 

Tel-Aviv University intramural grants 

Telethon, Italy
Welcome Foundation, United Kingdom 


Scientific Journal Reviewer 

Israel Journal of Medical Sciences
Journal of Hypertension
American Journal of Physiology
Physiological Genomics
American Journal of Hypertension
Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Life Sciences
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Journal of Pathology 


Member of Scientific Journal Boards 

Journal of Hypertension
Israel Journal of Hypertension 


Ongoing Researches 

♦ The genetic basis of hypertension
The genetic basis of FSGS and proteinuria
The genetic basis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
The role of ACE2, a novel candidate gene, in hypertension 


Scientific Publications 

A total of 82 publications in medical journals in Israel and abroad have been published so far. 


Chapters in Books


Yagil, Y., Ferne, M., Bergner Rabinowitz, S., and Ben Ishay, D. Antibody response to Gp.- A Streptococcus in Familial Nephritis. In: Parker, M.T. (ed) Pathogenic Streptococci: Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases. Oxford, 1978


Yagil, Y., Jamison, R.L. Papillary Necrosis. In: Principles and Practice of Nephrology. Editors: Jacobson, H.R., Striker, G.E. and Klahr, S., 1990  

Ben-Ishay, D. and Yagil, Y. Experimental and genetic aspects of hypertension. The Sabra hypertension-prone and resistant strains. In: Handbook of Hypertension. Editors: Ganten &      Reed, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1994   

Yagil, Y and Yagil, C. The genetic basis of hypertension. In: The Human Genome Project  in   Israel. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Jerusalem, 1998 

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