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Zilberman Uri

Prof Uri Zilberman
Dental School
School of Dental Medicine - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Pediatric Dentistry
 [email protected]
♦ Head of the Pediatic Dentistry Clinic
♦ Fellow Researcher- Laboratory for Bio-Anthropology, School of Dental Medicine, Hebrew University of

   Jerusalem, Israel.
Continuing Education
PhD in Dental Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Membership in Professional Organizations in Israel and Abroad
♦ Israel Medical Association
♦ Israel Pediatric Dentistry Association
♦ International Association of Pediatric Dentistry
Scientific Publications
A total of 20 publications in medical journals in Israel and abroad have been published so far.
Novel Developments
Development of a novel dental cap of similar color to that of the tooth for use in deciduous teeth.
Unique Publications

  • Keinan D, Smith P, Zilberman U : Microstructure and chemical composition of primary teeth in children with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. Arch Oral Biol. 2006;51:836-843.
    This article is the first of its kind in the world describing the differences between the teeth of children with CP and Down Syndrome and those of healthy children.
  • Zilberman U, Skinner M, Smith P : Tooth components of mandibular deciduous molars of Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis: A radiographic study. Am J Phys Anthrop. 1992;87:255-262.
    This article is the first of its kind in the world describing the teeth of prehistoric man.

Selected Articles

1. Mass E, Zilberman U : Endodontic treatment of infected primary teeth, using

    Maisto's paste. J Dent Child. 1989;56:117-120.

2. Zilberman U, Mass E, Sarnat H : Partial pulpotomy in carious permanent molars. Am

    J Dent. 1989;2:147-150.

3. Zilberman U, Smith P, Sperber GH : Components of Australopithecine Teeth. A

    radiographic study. J Hum Evol. 1990;5:515-529.

4. Mass E, Zilberman U : Clinical and radiographical evaluation of partial  pulpotomy

    in carious exposure of permanent molars. Pediatr Dent. 1993;15: 257-259.

5. Mass E, Zilberman U, : Partial pulpotomy: Another treatment option for cariously

    exposed permanent molars. J Dent Child. 1995;62: 342-345.

6. Mass E, Zilberman U, Gadot N : Abnormal enamel and pulp dimensions  in Familial

    Dysautonomy. J Dent Res. 1996;75:1747-1752.

7. Zilberman U, Smith P, Alvesalo L : Crown components of molar teeth in 45,XO

    (Turner syndrome) females. Arch Oral Biol. 2000;45:217-225.

8. Lustig JP, Yanko R, Zilberman U : Use of dental implants in patients with Down

    syndrome: a case report. Spec Care Dentist.  2002;22:201-204 (Case Report).

9. Zilberman U, Smith P, Kupietzky A and Mass E : The effect of hereditary disorders

    on tooth components: a radiographic morphometric study of two syndromes. Arch

    Oral Biol. 2004;49:621-629.

10. Zilberman U, Smith P, Piperno M and Condemi S : Evidence of amelogenesis

     imperfecta in an Early African Homo erectus. J Hum Evol. 2004;46:647-653.

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