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Cohen Lior

Dr. Cohen Lior


Specialty and Academic Degree


Medical Genetics - 2013-2016 - Rekanati Institute for Genetics - Rabin Medical


Pediatrics - 2008-2012 - Hadassa University Medical Center

MD/MSc - 1999-2007 Master In Medicine - Rapaport School of Medicine-

   Technion - Haifa


Courses and Fellowships

10th Introductory Course on Skeletal Dysplasias, Lausanne, Switzerland   -


28th Course in Medical Genetics, Bertinoro, Italy- 2015
4th course in Next Genaeration sequencing, Bertinoro, Italy  - 2015 
Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

Medical Calculations for physicians and researchers - Bar Ilan University 2013


Past Positions

2012-2017 - Pediatrician Meuhedet HMO

2016-2018 - Senior physician - Clinic for Genetics - Schneider Children Hospital


Membership in national professional organizations

Israel Medical Association

State Organization of Physicians


Areas of Interest

Inherited disease of the skeletal system, skeletal dysplasia

Defining new genes, genotype-phenotype correlation, treatment of skeletal development genetic disease


Academic Positions


2019 - Lecturer in the faculty of health sciences - Ben Gurion University of the Negev

201 5 - Clinical tutor - Faculty of Medicine - Tel Aviv University

20 12- Clinical tutor - School of Medicine - Hebrew University- Jerusalem

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