Barzilai Medical Center
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President of Israel at the Barzilai medical center

President of Israel at the Barzilai medical center


The president of Israel, honorable Mr. Itshak Herzog, payed a visit  today, Tuesday October 17, to the Barzilai medical center, met the hospitalized victims of the war and talked to the medical teams who are taking care of them.


President Herzog was deeply impressed from the organized work of the hospital during such emergency situation and praised the medical teams for their devotion to treat the flood of injured patients who were brought to the hospital since the beginning of the operation. President Herzog said :"You are working day and night with devotion to fight for the life of the patients even though you are prone to the endless missiles launched to the area. I am proud of you and of your important work".


Prof Hezy Levy, the head and CEO of the medical center, said: "I am truly thankful to Mr. President for his visit to the hospital, to his visit to the injured patients and the devoted staff who is working day night to save their lives. Our medical center is on the front line and the employees are continuing to serve everyone who comes to the hospital doors in peace times as well as in war times with great devotion.

The Barzilai medical center is coping with this situation more than 10 days and treated more than 850 patients and saved the lives of many severely injured people in a professional and remarkable performance." 































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