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First lifesaving neurosurgical procedure in Barzilai

For the first time in Barzilai: Drainage of life threatening intracranial hemorrhage


Yesterday, 17th of October at noon, and while the medical staff was busy treating the injured from the war, a 6 years old boy was brought to the emergency department after falling from a scooter. He did not wear a helmet and suffered severe head injury. On admission, he was unconscious and had convulsions and clinical signs of brain stem injury. Rapid initial lifesaving procedures were undertaken and the boy was transferred to the CT scan institute for total body scanning. He was diagnosed as having fracture of the skull, fracture of the base of the skull with big intracranial hemorrhage causing pressure on the adjacent brain tissue and on the brain stem. Having this information, quick consultation of the trauma surgeon and the neurosurgeon with Prof Levy, CEO and head of the medical center, the boy was transferred to the operation room where the neurosurgeon along with a spine surgeon and a maxillofacial surgeon performed craniotomy and drained the blood from the skull. After stabilization, the child was transferred to the intensive care unit at the Dana-Dwek children's hospital for further treatment.

Prof Levy thanked the trauma team who cooperated and performed these lifesaving procedures for the first time in the Barzilai medical center, even though the hospital was under rockets attacks and busy with many injured people who flowed to the hospital.






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