Barzilai Medical Center
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A story of devotion

A story of devotion


By Esty Reich

Head nurse of the pediatric emergency department


Esty Reich is the head nurse of the pediatric emergency department at the Barzilai medical center and lives in Moshav Tqouma which is located in the surrounding area of the Gazza district.

On Saturday morning, the 7th of October, Esty woke up upon hearing the noise of explosions of rockets. Few minutes later she heard the sounds of bullets all around the moshav. All the citizens were ordered to stay in their homed and keep the doors closed and secured. Simultaneously, she got this urgent call from the hospital stating that an emergency situation and a state of disaster event have been declared at the hospital. She called the emergency department and was told that many injured children and soldiers were brought to the emergency department.

Esty decided that her place should be in the emergency department to help the staff.

She left home against the army advice. She left at 10:30 in the morning after getting a release note from the security officer.

Esty didn’t know that there were terrorists in the surrounding area and along her way to the hospital.

Esty arrived at the hospital safely and joined her team to save lives of the injured. She wasn’t aware that few minutes before she left terrorists were killed at the entrance of the moshav.

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