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for the sake of the abductees and their families.

Support assembly of the Barzilai medical center employees for the sake of the abductees and their families.


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Today, Monday, Nov 13, all the employees of the Barzilai medical center gathered for a support assembly for the sake of the abductees and their families who were taken hostages during the hostile and brutal attacks on many Israeli cities and settlements last month.

The assembly took place at the central square at the Barzilai medical center and all the staff shouted “COME BACK HOME “.

The pictures of all the kidnapped civilians and soldiers were hung around the square.

Prof Hezy Levy, the CEO and head of the Barzilai medical center, and all the members of the hospital management along with hospitalized patients and their families took part in this assembly.

During the assembly, the singer and injured patient, Mordechai Shanweld, stepped and started to sing the song “The hero of Mom”.  All the participants were moved while hearing the song.

The assembly was closed by the Israeli anthem “HATIQVA”.






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