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Breakthrough experience to repair loss of limb bone in the orthopedic array


In light of the Iron Swords war and the need to save, revive and reconstruct limb bones, the orthopedic department at the Barzilai medical center joined the new breaking through experience to complete loss of bones using the "Bonofill" regenerative human bone cells. These are human transplants of human bone cells replicated in the laboratory outside the human body. This human transplant of bone cells was developed by Bonus Biogroup LTD.



Dr. Omri Lubovsky, the head of the orthopedic array  

 and specialized in joint replacement, said that he is proud of taking part in this experience of Bonus Biograf and proud of being able to provide innovative treatment to the people of the south of Israel. He added that since the 7th of October, many injured were admitted for serious limb injuries. Many of them had loss of bone and they will definitely get advantage with this new technique. Bonofill transplant is really a breaking through solution to repair big losses of bones. He is full of faith that this treatment will bring great hope to the injured people.

This experiment of using bone transplant cells grown in the laboratory was first introduced by Prof Nimrod Rosen, head of the orthopedic array at the Emek medical center in Affoula and president of the Israeli orthopedic association, with the collaboration of Bonus Biogroup. Since then, other medical centers started to use this method: Rambam Medical center and Carmel medical center in Haifa, Hillel Yafe medical center in Hedera, and the Meir medical center in Kfar Saba. Now the Barzilai medical center has enrolled in phase 2 of this research to make this method available all around Israel.

Unlike autologous bone grafting, completion and fusion in case of loss of bone with live human cells grown in the laboratory using the Bonofill is simple. There is neither need for osteotomy nor for complicated transplantation procedure, and the recovery is rapid.

Dr. Shay Martsky, the CEO of Bonus Biogroup, said that when the war started, the company gathered a group of scientists and physicians dedicated to find a treatment for the patients who lost bone mass from their limbs. They began this clinical trial with the Bonofill to replace the bone loss. The enrollment of the Barzilai orthopedic department in this trial will enlarge the population who will benefit from the treatment with Bonofill. He believes that this method of treatment will give hope to many injured who suffers from severe bony injuries.

About Bonus Biograft

Bonus Biograft Ltd (TASE:BONS) is a biotechnical company which is involved in developing new methods of tissue regeneration and other biotechnical products based on tissue bio-engineering and cell therapy. The company has two products under development: one is the Bonofill, a live human transplant, to reconstruct and regenerate bone tissue, and the second is the Mesencure, a cell therapy to treat inflammations and tissue damage like pneumonia and respiratory distress. Other products are still under pre-clinical investigations.

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