Barzilai Medical Center
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Dogs under military conscription order at the Barzilai medical center

Monday, December 18th - The staff of the Barzilai medical center had an unexpected visit of unexpected visitors : service and guide dogs.


This is a national project of volunteers from all around Israel who come to the hospitals with their service dogs to visit injured soldiers who are still resting in the hospital. There are already about 150 volunteers who come to the hospitals with their dogs to cheer up the wounded soldiers.


The goal of this visit was to cheer up the injured soldiers, raise a smile on their faces and relieve their sorrow even for a short time.


Major Meytar Sel'a, who is coping with her post trauma syndrome after operation "Solid Edge", decided to raise a unique project with cooperation of "official unit 2" of the army : incorporating service dogs to cheer up the injured soldiers by offering their infinite affection.

Dog is the best man's friend. If the dog feels that someone needs it then it will be there for him.


The hospitalized soldiers were very grateful to Major Sel'a for raising their morale and raising a smile on their faces.


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