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Lifetime Achievement Award 2023 to Prof Levy Hezy, CEO and head of the Barzilai medical center

Prof Levy, is a well-known physician in Israel for his outstanding activity in promoting groundbreaking initiatives in the field of medicine, and accessibility of quality medical services. The Barzilai medical center turned to be a leading medical center, both technically and professionally, under his leadership.


Prof Levy is a certified general surgeon and served as the Chief Medical Officer of the IDF in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, the CEO of the Ministry of Health and currently the CEO and head of the Barzilai medical center in Ashkelon.


As the head of the award committee said:" Prof Levy is an outstanding leader who had a lot of influence on the Israel Health System, and he is a sample and exemplar of professionality, innovation and dedication for the patients. We are proud to award him this reward of lifetime achievement for the year 2023".


Prof Levy said: "It is a great honor for me to receive this award of lifetime achievement. I excited for my election and grateful to everyone who supported me all the way. I dedicate this reward to my family and to the dedicated teams of the Barzilai medical center who I am proud to work with".

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