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Agranovitch Swetlana

Dr. Agranovitch Swetlana


Medical Education                    


♦ 1983- Faculty of Medicne - Royal University of Omsc, Russia

♦ Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Russia

♦ 1996-2003 - Residency in nuclear medicine, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.

♦ Senior physician in nuclear medicine, Soroka medical centerm Beer Sheva, Israel.

♦ 2015- Current - Head of the nuclear and nuclear imaging medicine institute, Barzilai university medical center, Askelon, Israel 



Positions and clinical experience 

Head of the Nuclear Medicine Institute, Barzilai University Medical Center, Ashkelon, Israel


Membership in Professional Oraganizations


♦ Israel Medical Association

♦ State Organization of Physicians

♦ Israel Association of Nuclear Medicine

♦ European Society of Nuclear Medicine

♦ Society of Nuclear and Molecular Medicine


Scientific Publications

During her residency in Hadassah and Soroka medical centers, Dr. Agranovitch took part in many research programs and many professional conventions.


Through her wide vision, Dr. Agranovitch is committed to quality in running the institute of nuclear medicine according to the JCI recommendations, and to the persuit of progress in the technology of nuclear imaging.


Dr. Agranovitch is dedicated to her patients and treats them with great sensitivity.





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