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Zamir Doron

Prof. Zamir Doron 


Head of Internal Medince Department D


Medical School

1974-1981 - School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel



1987-1991 - Internal Medicine, Hillel Yafe Medical Center,

                     Hedera, Israel 1987

1992-1994 - Gastorenterology, Meyer Medical Center, Kfar

                     Saba, Israel



1982-1987 - Medical Doctor, Seargent, Israel Defense Forces

1994-1998 - Deputy head of internal medicine department A, Hillel Yafe medical

                     center, Hedera, Israel

1998- Current - Head of Department of Internal Medince D, Barzilai medical center,

                      Ashkelon, Israel.


Academic Activity


2002 - Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, Ben Gurin University of the Negev, Beer

               Sheva, Israel.

2010 - Associate Professor, Ben Gurin University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.

2017- Chairman of the internal medicine division, Barzilai medical center,



Membership in professional organizations in Israel

Israel Medical Association

State Organization of Physicians

Israel Medical Society of Internal Medicine

Israel Medical Society of Gastorneterology

Member of the audit committee of the Gastorenterology union.

Member of the Internal medicine commmittee of the Israel Medical Council. 

Instructor of foreign students of medicine from: USA, Hungary and Poland.



Prof Doron is the chief editor and partner of article editors of more than 78 medical published articles.


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